Charlie Keller played from 1939 to 1952, hitting .286 with 189 home runs, an OPS+ of 152 and an outstanding BB/K ratio. A five-time All-Star, he owns the 34th-best OBP all time, as well as the 65th-hightest slugging percentage, 41st best OPS, 28th best OPS+.
Keller’s 152 OPS+ ranks 28th all time. Twenty-one of the 27 men ahead of him are in the Hall of Fame. The others are Mike Trout, Shoeless Joe Jackson, Dick Allen, Manny Ramirez, and 19th-century stars Pete Browning and Dave Orr.
Keller’s finest year came in 1943. That year he led the league in walks, OPS, and OPS+. By season’s end, Keller had the third of his four 6.0+ WAR campaign.
According to Bill James’ similarity scores, none of the players most similar to Keller are in the Hall of Fame. The list includes JD Drew, Kevin Mitchell, Al Rosen, Tommy Henrich, Gavvy Cravath, Wally Post, Bob Horner, Aubrey Huff, Jeff Heath and Gus Zernial.
The Baseball Page ranks him as the 24th best left fielder of all time. He was considered in 10 different Hall of Fame elections, receiving as much as 6.1% of the vote.
Many believe Keller deserves greater consideration by the Veterans Committee.
In the collection is this 8×10 photo of Cardinals great Stan Musial and Keller taken at the 1943 World Series. Keller’s Yankees bested Musial’s Cardinals four games to one.
Both men have signed the photo.